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Please send a specification of product or products in your order together with your payment to HEALTH & FORTUNE as stated below. Also include details of your names and postal address.

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N.B: Postage and handling: please note, add 140 SEK to total price each time you make an order. The amount 140 SEK is to cover the cost of postage and handling per order.

All prices are in Swedish kronor (SEK). You can also pay an equivalent amount in US dollars.

NB: For residents in Sweden, please add VAT:

(moms f.n. 6%) to price each, for every product.

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P. O. Box 7095

S-164 07 Kista

Stockholm, Sweden.


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How To Create A Happy Life       

Handbook. If you wish to make right choices in Life, choices that will lead to long lasting happiness, try out the method described in this handbook. Applying the method outlined in this handbook will give you advantage and control when you need to make decisions in critical situations. After doing the exercises in this handbook, you will also discover your true goal in Life, known as Mission in Life. Mission in Life is linked to the individual wishes of the soul.

The method in this handbook will assist you to create a happy life for yourself. This is a guidebook with information and exercises for you to work with individually, for your personal happiness. 

Publisher: HEALTH & FORTUNEä

Price: 150 SEK




Handbook. This is a handbook for personal

development as well as personal success. If you have a goal to be successful at a personal level, this is the handbook that will help you on your way to acquiring personal success.

This information material contains keys

that will assist you to acquire personal success.

Publisher: HEALTH & FORTUNEä

Price: 200 SEK


Authors: Earlyne Chaney

and William L. Messick

If you are born again spiritually, or if you

are going through the changes spiritually,

and you want to know how to handle the

changes - you might need the information in

this book for your own benefit.

This book takes up topics such as

the opening of the Third Eye,

yoga (breathing exercises) and meditation.

No. of pages 129.

Price: 472 SEK


Author: Eric Klein

If you are born again spiritually, or if you are experiencing some of the changes that accompanies being born again spiritually, then this is the book for you. In this book the author writes a recollection of his experiences when he was taken up into a higher dimension (Heaven) in front of the Lord Jesus (Jesus Christ) before he, the author, returned back to Earth and then wrote this book called Inner Door. After meeting the Lord Jesus (Jesus Christ) the author returned to Earth (Third Dimension) and organized several sessions at which he received additional messages from other Divine Beings. The messages from the Divine Beings are reproduced in this book. These are new messages received in the 20th Century. Among the messages in this book are messages from:

(1)    Mother Mary. In that message the reader is reminded of the

        necessity of being born again spiritually.

(2)    In this same book is also a message from the Archangel

        Michael. In that message the reader is reminded of

        the Prime Directive, which apparently every soul has

        received individually, before incarnation or reincarnation i.e.

        before embodiment as a human being.

(3)    The book is set in New Age style and terminology. If you are

        reading New Age material for the first time, you will also

        discover the Cosmic name by which the Lord Jesus is called,

        the name being Sananda. In this book are also messages

        from the Lord Jesus (Jesus Christ). Inner Door refers to

        Christ (Son of GOD), being the door

        (way to GOD the Heavenly Father), as is written in the Bible.

Christ also said in the Bible that "I tell you the truth, no one can see the kingdom of GOD unless he is born again".

Inner Door is a very interesting book as it gives the reader concrete examples of how one can live and work as one who is born again spiritually. This is a book that helps the reader with concrete advice and gives inspiration as well as enlightenment on how to work with GOD. If a person is born again spiritually, a person will acquire a spiritual gift or some spiritual gifts from GOD. This book, Inner Door, will provide you with insight into how one can live and work after being born again spiritually. There are examples by the author, and there are pieces of advice and guidance in the messages from the Lord Jesus, from the Archangel Michael and from Mother Mary. Their messages, reproduced in this book, are also directed towards humanity and can be used by any individual, a seeker on the path (narrow and straight path as is written in the Bible), a Light Worker or an Initiate. Inner Door is a book that can help you understand many things happening in Life.

No. of pages 208.

Price: 275 SEK.

NB: For residents in Sweden, please add VAT:

(moms f.n. 6%) to price each, for every product.

Health and Enlightenment:

Essene Books

The Essene Books are translated from ancient scripts known as the Dead Sea Scrolls. Theses ancient scripts in Aramaic reveal the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth concerning the natural healing forces of the sun, air, water and living foods. The information in the scripts also throws light on the terminology and values in early Christianity and those of the Essenes.

The Essenes lived in the area near the Dead Sea in the first and second centuries A.D. The Essenes wrote the texts in the Dead Sea Scrolls. Theses ancient scripts in Aramaic have been translated into English and are known as the Essene Books. The Dead Sea Scrolls were found in caves at Qumran in 1947 by a Bedouin shepherd boy.

The Dead Sea Scrolls are now at the Vatican and the translation of the texts into English were made by Edmond Bordeaux Szekely.

The translation comprises a serie of books now known as the Essene Books. Some of the Essene Books are listed below:

Literature and Price List:

Title                                                       Price in                                                                      Swedish                                                                     Kronor                                                                 (SEK)

The Essene Way of Biogenic Living,       330 SEK

The Essene Biogenic Encyclopedia

The Essene Gospel Of Peace,                 200 SEK

Book 1. Bestseller

Essene Gospel Of Peace, Book 2             300 SEK

Essene Gospel Of Peace, Book 3             300 SEK

The Essene Brotherhood

Essene Gospel Of Peace, Book 4             300 SEK

The Teaching Of The Elect       

The Essene Book Of Creation                 250 SEK

The Essene Jesus: The Latest                226 SEK

Essene Master And His Teachings

The Essene Code of Life                         140 SEK

The Essene Origins of Christianity         340 SEK

The Book of Living Foods                       140 SEK

 NB: For residents in Sweden, please add VAT:

(moms f.n. 6%) to price each, for every product.



(Celestial Realms, Ascended Realms, Spiritual

  Planes, The Etheric, Higher Dimensions,

  The Kingdom Of GOD):

In many pieces of literature, there are several terms referring to what is generally known as Heaven.

There are almost as many terms referring to Beings in Heaven as there are terms referring to what is Heaven.

The following text is an excerpt (extract) from the book

The New Order Of Jesus, to answer the question

What is Heaven? The information in the book, The New Order Of Jesus, was transmitted to Earth through Diamantino Coelho Fernandes in Brazil in 1970-1971. This is a unique opportunity for you to read, how the Lord Jesus defined the term Heaven in the messages received in Brazil in 1970-1971.

There are 75 new messages from the Lord Jesus in 1970-1971 for all human beings on the planet Earth.

The following is the definition of the word Heaven

as written in the book The New Order Of Jesus:

Excerpt from Message No. 10 - THE REAL HEAVEN:

"The Lord wishes to enlighten hereby those souls less informed with regard to their conception of Heaven. What exists around the Earth, in fact, are planes of spiritual life which, note well, in all directions surround the Earth. These planes are distinguishable from each other by their lesser or greater degree of luminosity which is determined by the category of souls inhabiting the particular plane. A spiritual hierarchy automatically selects the souls which belong to the different spiritual planes in the same way souls returning from Earth are attracted to specific planes which correspond to their respective vibrations. The degree of spiritual evolution of the souls is measured through their vibrations which is relative to their individual luminosity. Thus, upon detachment from their physical bodies in the earthly plane, the souls instinctively gravitate toward their corresponding planes whereat they establish themselves. This, however, does not occur in the case of souls who while on Earth concerned themselves exclusively with material matters and totally disregarded the spiritual. When the souls within this category, lacking any spiritual  preparation, leave their bodies they will at first experience great afflictions, believing they still occupy their physical bodies, before they are able to stabilize themselves in the earthly plane".

Excerpt from Message No. 15 - planes in the spiritual world (heaven):

"The time has come to cease the so-called religious teachings that announce the existence of heaven and hell, and their concomitant notions of eternal reward and punishment, because such spiritual regions have never existed. In the spiritual world, what actually exists to receive the souls who regress from Earth are vibrational planes which harmonize with the type of vibrations emitted by the souls themselves. Thus, for example, if a soul returning from Earth  had distinguished itself through the purity of its earthly life, during which it performed meritorious deeds in favor of other incarnate souls, this soul would have elevated its vibrational level in such a way as to be conducted to the most beautiful, luminous and happy of planes in the spiritual world. A soul in this condition could consider itself to be in the heaven created by the earthly religions, but would actually be in one of the most beautiful planes of spiritual life.

- planes in the spiritual world (hell):

On the other hand, the soul who wasted its existence and engaged in activity condemnable by the laws of human beings as well as by the Laws of God (which are Divine Laws) will, upon disincarnating, find itself snatched to the regions unidentifiable by the soul because of its lack of spiritual light. Consequently, this soul would  not have any idea of its whereabouts. It would suffer the painful consequences of its earthly deeds, and if its misdeeds ever victimized anyone, it would feel the victims as if fluttering threateningly around it. The victims, however, would actually be far away, most probably resting comfortably somewhere. But remorse, the greatest tormentor of the souls in the Above (spiritual world), would not leave the suffering soul in peace. This soul will feel as if in the hell described on Earth.

The best thing, then, would be to teach all incarnate souls (human beings) that each of them can actually create the situation that they desire after they relinquish their bodies to their graves. Fortunately, nowadays the number of souls that leave Earth in the situations described herein has been significantly reduced.


Excerpt from Message No. 15

Nevertheless, it is highly commendable to teach the incarnate souls (human beings) that their coming to Earth does obey determinations of the highest elevation and that they should, for this reason, conduct their lives along the most perfect moral principles, leaning on the highly beneficial practice of prayer and meditation. In teaching this principle from early childhood, the earthly religions would be providing them with the best service possible, and would in turn be attracting for themselves the blessings and gratitude from the Divine Providence".

The book, The New Order Of Jesus, also contains answers to other questions in Life, and is a great support to every human being. If you are searching for information to improve your health, or if you are searching for information on how to become successful in Life, then this is the book for you. To read more: get your own copy of the book The New Order Of Jesus. No. of pages 370.

Price: 377 SEK

You can also read more about this wonderful book, entitled the New Order Of Jesus, among the products listed on this Web Site.



You can verify this if you are born again spiritually,

since it is through your GOD-given gifts that you are able to access, as well as receive information from The Kingdom Of GOD, using your spiritual gifts.


"I tell you the truth, no one can see the Kingdom

of GOD unless he is born again..... So it is with everyone born of the Spirit".








Section 3, Enlightenment

through Divine Messages:


Ask the questions in order to receive the answers.

This is a unique opportunity for you to receive answers to  your personal questions regarding spirituality, for your personal development and enlightenment. This service is given when you need personal answers through messages transmitted from The Celestials (THE KINGDOM OF GOD).

This section will give you the opportunity to receive

Divine Messages. The answers you will receive through this service concern individual issues.

N.B: You will receive written answers, questions will not be

answered by telephone under this section. Before you send in your questions, ask first for the price list and additional information from the address below.

To receive answers through this service please send a written request for additional information and price list from:



This section is designed to give a client a chance to receive Divine Messages. The messages will be provided through HEALTH & FORTUNEä.

N.B: Send details of your names and postal address to the address above in order to receive the price list and additional information.



Divine Messages are given to human beings by GOD or by Divine Beings. One group of Divine Beings are called angels.

Divine Beings live in The Kingdom of GOD (Heaven).


Section 4, Enlightenment

through Divine Messages:


Your Twin Flame Is Your True Love.

Twin Flame is not Soul Mate, only Twin Flame.

Your Twin Flame is the one person GOD has created for you to be with, or work with on a very special mission in accordance with GOD's will. Every human being has a Twin Flame (True Love) somewhere.

This consultation service is provided when you need personal answers about Twin Flame relationship, through messages transmitted from The Celestials (The Kingdom Of GOD). This section will give you the opportunity to receive Divine Messages. Ask the questions in order to receive the answers. The answers you will receive through this service concern individual issues.

N.B: You will receive written answers, questions will not be

answered by telephone under this section. Before you send in your questions, ask first for the price list and additional information from the address below.

To receive answers through this service please send a written request for additional information and price list from:

HEALTH & FORTUNE, Twin Flame Consultation, BOX 7095,


This section is designed to give a client a chance to receive Divine Messages. The messages will be provided through HEALTH & FORTUNEä.

N.B: Send details of your names and postal address to the address above in order to receive the price list and additional information.



The Ascended Masters

The Ascended Masters: These are Divine Beings who have mastered time and space and gained mastery of the Self, fulfilled their divine plan and have ascended back into the presence of GOD.

The Ascended Masters are able to communicate from many dimensions and to many worlds including the planet Earth.



There is a spiritual ladder which each soul attempts to ascend while in embodiment. The highest attainment for a soul while in the body is to become aligned with one's Higher Self. A soul, (human being), on the path recognizes this.

The methods, challenges and tests of initiations on the path are outlined in a serie of newsletters called Celestial Voices.

Celestial Voices contain messages to provide guidance and instructions on how to rid oneself of negativity and prepare for entry (ascension) into the fifth dimension i.e. higher level of consciousness. The messages in the Celestial Voices are mostly from the Ascended Masters. It is in this higher level of consciousness - the fifth dimension and level of aligning with the Higher Self, that one gains power of the inner sight (Third Eye). It is also on this level of consciousness that one receives the gift of clairvoyance, clairaudience and the ability to communicate with the Kingdom within i.e. The Kingdom of God. You will find more information in Celestial Voices, listed below.

Literature and Price List:


Art. No.  Title                                         Price in                                                                      Swedish                                                                     Kronor                                                                 (SEK)

CV009        Transmissions From The Celestials.      100 SEK

CV010        Moving From The Third To The             100 SEK

                   Fifth Dimensional Reality.

CV011        Six-Step Process, Messages.                 100 SEK

CV012        Master Kuthumi's Third Message:         100 SEK

                   Stresses Commitment.

CV013        12 Levels Of Initiations To Permit         100 SEK

                   Entry: The Higher Kingdom Within.      

CV014        Master Kuthumi's New Message           100 SEK                        Deals With Compassion.

CV015        Master Kuthumi's Sixth Message:         100 SEK

                   Understanding Of The Light.

CV016        Master El Morya's Message:                   100 SEK

                   A New Three-Step Process

                   (The Power To Create Anything

                   Your Heart Desires; Within The

                   Universal Laws That Are

                   Governed By Love And Light).

CV017        Master El Morya's Message:                   100 SEK

                   (To Connect With The Higher Self

                    And This Point Of Power).

 NB: For residents in Sweden, please add VAT:

(moms f.n. 6%) to price each, for every product.


The Ascended Masters

The Ascended Masters: These are Divine Beings who have mastered time and space and gained mastery of the Self, fulfilled their divine plan and have ascended back into the presence of GOD.

The Ascended Masters are able to communicate from many dimensions and to many worlds including the planet Earth.


Throughout history, and especially in the Bible, there are human beings who have received gifts (powers) from GOD to receive divine messages or to perform miracles. It is through such GOD-given gifts that many people are today able to communicate with Divine Beings who are on spiritual planes (Heaven).

Some pieces of literature refer to spiritual planes as ascended realms or higher dimensions while the Bible refers to spiritual planes as Heaven. Dr. Norma Milanovich is able to communicate with Divine Beings on spiritual planes (higher dimensions). 

Inter-Dimensional Sessions:

Products: Audiotapes and written transcripts from inter-dimensional sessions conducted by

Dr. Norma Milanovich with the Ascended Masters:

Products for your Spiritual Development

Twelve (12) audiotapes and transcripts from Inter-Dimensional sessions conducted in the year 2002, 2003.

The audiotapes are designed to accelerate spiritual development as well as raise consciousness.

The topics on the audiotapes are listed below:

Art. No.      Title                                                  Price (SEK)

TF01          Self-Love                                         600 SEK

TF02          Charity                                             600 SEK

TF03          Responsibility                                  600 SEK

TF04          Leadership                                      600 SEK

TF05          Forgiveness/Unconditional Love 600 SEK

TF06          Courage                                           600 SEK

TF07          Self-Discipline Level l                     600 SEK

TF08          Self-Discipline Level ll                     600 SEK

TF09          Self-Discipline Level lll                    600 SEK

TF10          Gratitude                                         600 SEK

TF11          Right Use of Will                             600 SEK

TF12          Grace                                               600 SEK

NB: For residents in Sweden, please add VAT:

(moms f.n. 6%) to price each, for every product.

The following space has been donated to the Trinity Foundation by


Trinity Foundation/Builders of the Temple of Love and Light, in U.S.A.

If you are a Light Worker, seeker, initiate or a believer in GOD: the above products are beneficial to you in two ways:

(1)    the messages will help you towards your own spiritual development,

(2)    by ordering for these products, you will have the           satisfaction of knowing that you have contributed to    raising the funds needed for building the

          Temple of Love and Light.

Building the Temple of Love and Light is a project that any human being can participate in regardless of race or religion.

 The Temple of Love and Light

Dr. Norma Milanovich has been asked by the Ascended Masters to supervise the construction of an architectural masterpiece on Earth, known as the Temple of Love and Light.

Five (5) reasons have been given by the Ascended Masters for the necessity of building the Temple of Love and Light on Earth:

 (1)   As a tribute to the Creator of All (GOD),

 (2)   To honour humanity's path back to the Creator (GOD),

 (3)   To assist in uniting all the religions of the world in a

          perfect structure of Love and Light,

 (4)   To connect the heavens to the Earth,

 (5)   To help raise the consciousness of all who are seeking a        higher understanding.

The Ascended Master Kuthumi is the architect and Spiritual (Divine) Guide for building the Temple of Love and Light. In the Ascended realms (higher dimensions) he is known as the World Teacher.

Master Kuthumi has been the divine architect and divine guide for the Temple of Love and Light.

His past lives (incarnations) on planet Earth:

"He lived several significant lifetimes (incarnations) as Pythagoras, Shah Jahan (the emperor who built the

Taj Mahal), Saint Francis of Assisi and John the Apostle to

Jesus Christ".

John the Apostle to Jesus Christ also wrote the Book of Revelation in the Bible. The Book of Revelation contains

many prophecies.

Correspondence concerning building the Temple of Love and Light should be addressed to Trinity Foundation.

You can contribute towards building the Temple of Love and Light by giving gifts of money towards this project;

Financial donations can be sent to:

Trinity Foundation

11445 East Via Linda, Suite #2

Scottsdale, AZ 85259, U.S.A.